News & media

News & media UAB „Ostaralab“ įgyvendina projektą “5G ir privataus radijo ryšio tinklo sintezė nuotoliniam ir dalinai automatizuotam transporto priemonių valdymui” Nr. 08-006-K-0010. Kuriamas sprendimas siekia pagerinti komunikaciją su transporto priemonėmis naudojant 5G ir privataus radijo ryšio tinklo sintezę. Sprendimo esmė yra išspręsti 5G ryšio teritorijos padengimo problemą ir naudoti šią technologiją vietovėse, kur nėra

News & media We are pleased to announce our products at DSEI 2023 expo in 12-15 September. Visit us in Hall 4 H4-240. Read our news

Our NEWSROOM The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. News & media DEVELOPMENT OF AN INNOVATIVE AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE The company LLC OSTARALAB aims to create a hybrid vehicle with a continuous operation principle with a remote control function, which could move in a heavily carved area. A four-wheeled vehicle

It was honor and pleasure to introduce our hybrid, electric-diesel, optionally manned all-terrain vehicle #Krampus.

The Krampus team was visited by honorable guests from the State Border Guard Service of Lithuania.

Let’s meet at the DSEI London 2023

Funding for development of an innovative autonomous vehicle