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The Krampus team was visited by honorable guests from Military Academy of Lithuania Defense Innovation Unit.
It was honour and pleasure to introduce our hybrid, electric-diesel, optionally manned all-terrain vehicle Krampus, technology developed and new capability which Krampus technology is capable to deliver to the battlespace of today and tomorrow.
“Our goal is to conduct research into the development of a new generation of off-road vehicles that are remotely and autonomously controlled,” says Darius Antanaitis, CEO of Ostara LLC.
Ostara, the company developing hybrid electric- diesel all-terrain vehicle, has completed the field test phase and is now developing remote control and autonomous solutions.
The Krampus project has reached technology readiness level 5 while developing optionally manned, hybrid diesel-electric propulsion all-terrain Krampus vehicle. During the field testing which took place in late August 2021, Krampus Mk1 buggy was driven on asphalt, gravel and unpaved roads as well as in grassland and hilly areas.
After system assembly, programming, and testing, Krampus was tested on a stand. According mathematical calculations Krampus speed was set at 120 km/h.